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Dr.FENG Jinpeng
February 9, 2021  


Name: Feng Jinpeng

Title: Lecturer of History



Department of History, Henan Normal University Xinxiang,  Henan 09/1999 – 06/2003

B.A. Education of History

College of History, Nankai University Tianjin 09/2003 – 06/2006

M.A. History

College of History, Nankai University Tianjin 09/2006 – 06/2010

Ph.D. History


Lecturer, College of History and Culture, Tianjin  Normal University 07/2010-09/2018

Lecturer, Institution of European Civilization, Tianjin  Normal University 09/2018-

Research Field: Ancient Greek History; Ancient World Mythology; History of Western Political Thought

Academic Achievements:

A. Aticles

1. “On Lei Haizong’s Thoughts of Theoretical and Practical History”, Chongqing Social Sciences, No.6, 2005 (Serial No.126), pp: 67-72.

2. “Mozi’s Conception of the Field-Justices” (the second author), Journal of the Staff and Worker's University (Social Sciences Edition), No.3, 2005, pp.9-12.

3. “History is Another Myth: On Herodotus’ Human-Divine Historical Conception”, Chongqing Social Sciences, No.2, 2006 (Serial No.134), pp: 82-86.

4. “On the System of Fu Weixun’ Methodology”, Chongqing Social Sciences, No.2, 2007 (Serial No.147), pp: 76-81.

5. “Behavior and Attitude towards the World: A Comparative Analysis between the Cynics and the School of Zhuanzi”, translated article, Frontiers of History in China, 2007, 2(1):60-73.

6. “Pythagoras: From Human to God —— A Western Case of the ‘Cenglei’ Theory ”, The Journal of Ancient Civilizations, Vol.3, No.1, January, 2009, pp.103-110.

7. “On the Uniting Process of Boeotia”, Journal of Southwest University (Social Sciences Edition), Vol.35, No.4, July, 2009, pp.179-185.

8. “‘Strategems of the Warring States’ Reflects the Respect the Scholar-worship Theme and Its Social Influence”, Chongqing Social Sciences, No.5, 2014 (Serial No.234), pp: 114-120.

9. “The Western Classical Connotations of Democracy and Republic”, Journal of History of Political Thought, No.5, 2014 (Serial No.18), pp: 183-195.

B. Books

1. The Origin of civil Society: the Ancient Greek Poleis, Changchun: Changchun Press, 2010;

2. Aristotle’s The Athenian Politeia, Beijing: Jilin Publishing Group Co., Ltd, 2013;

3. A Concise World History, co-author, Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2015;

4. Dictionary of Ming Biography, 6 vols, co-chief editor, Beijing: Beijing Times Chinese Press, 2015;

5. The Complete Works of the Ancient Greek Orations, 6 vols, chief editor, Beijing: Jilin Publishing Group Co., Ltd, 2015 - .

C. Research projects

1. The Political Morality in the Classical Athenian Democracy, (Project of the National Social Science Fund of China, 2013, No. 13CSS008)

2. A Collection and Authentication of the Historical Materials in the Greek Orations, (Project of the National Social Science Fund of China, 2020, No. 20BSS002)



Institute of European Civilazation