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[Papers] GENG Zhi:Continental Commitment and British Army St... 2022/09/08 
[Papers] FENG Jinpeng: The Responsibilities of the Rich: On ... 2022/09/08 
[Papers] FENG Jinpeng: The Democratic Idea of “The Old Olig... 2022/09/08 
[Papers] CHEN Lijun: The Formation of the Rights of the Poor... 2022/09/08 
[Papers] JIANG Qizhou: William Hoskins and Rise of New Socia... 2022/09/08 

[Papers] REN Shijiang and WANG Yuantian: Panoramic Explorati... 2022/09/08 
[Papers] LIU Jinghua, WANG Meiling:On the Historical Evoluti... 2022/09/08 
[Papers] HOU Jianxin:Social Problems and Countermeasures Cau... 2022/09/08 
[Recent Publications] ZHANG Naihe:A Study of Franchises in the Early Mode... 2022/08/26 
[Recent Publications] GU Yanfang:The Migration of the Village Labors and ... 2022/08/26 
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Institute of European Civilazation