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Prof. Hou Jianxin’s Article Won Ninth National Outstandi...
    Prof. Hou Jianxin’s Article The Middle Ages and Meta-Rules of European Civilizationrecently won the second Prize of the Ninth National Outstanding Achieveme...[详细]
Professor Chen Xiaolv Gave an Lecture on European Social ...
    On May 29, 2024, at the invitation of Hou Jianxin, senior professor of Tianjin Normal University and director of IEC, Professor Chen Xiaolv of Nanjing Univer...[详细]
Economic and Social History Review Awarded The Most Popul...
    On May 17th, the conference of National Center for Philosophy and Social Science Documentation Attention Reportwas held in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences...[详细]
Workshop in IEC Library:A Journey Through The Oxford Dict...
    The Library of the Institute of European Civilization is the only world history professional library of Chinese universities that features the research of Eu...[详细]
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HOU Jianxin:The Evolution of European Civilization: Peasants’ Land Property Right
    Author: HOU JianxinPublisher: The Commercial PressPublication Date: December 2023ISBN: 9787100230155Introduction:The relationship between peasants and land is a longstanding and significant topic in the history of human civilization. Private ownership of land did not exist sin...[详细]
XU Bin: The Early Modernization of English Banking
    Abstract:From the mid-16th to the 17th century, English bankers emerged from the trades such as merchants, scriveners, goldsmiths and others. Although the origins of English banking lagged far behind those of the European continent, it began to be an up-and-coming trade by end...[详细]
JIANG Qizhou: On William George Hoskins and the Rise of Modern Urban History in Britain
    Abstract:It has seen a revolution in urban historiography in Britain from 1950s to 1970s or so, which made urban history became a separate research field, and the modern urban history came into being. WilliamGeorgeHoskins, the celebrated British historian, played a pioneer rol...[详细]
LIU Xuefei, JIN Duqing: A Sketch of Road Traffic in Persian Achaemenid Empire
    Abstract:The Persian Empire of Achaemenid was a vast empire with many ethnic groups. In order to govern its vast territory and people, the empire built a relatively well-developed network of roads and supporting facilities, which were well constructed and maintained, with saf...[详细]
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Michelle Cale: Trust Betrayed: The Failure of the Birmingham Penny Bank, 1865
    ABSTRACTPenny banks were Victorian institutions intended to encourage thrift among working-class people. Initially considered a model of its type, the Birmingham Penny Bank (1850–1865) collapsed because of mismanagement, bad investments, and self-dealing by its lower-middle-c...[详细]
Respectable standards of living: The alternative lens of maintenance costs, Britain 1270–1860
    Authors:Jane HumphriesAbstractThis paper argues that in all societies there is considerable agreement about what goods and services are needed to provide a decent living, and that this standard can be measured by the expense involved in maintaining people of good standing. Mai...[详细]
Barn Dance Suggested Medieval Grain Storage of the Northern European Type On The Manor of Patcham, East Sussex
    Authors: Anna Doherty &Andrew MargettsAbstractWITHIN THE NORTHERN EUROPEAN SYSTEM, barns and ricks for the keeping of sheaves prior to threshing was the favoured method of storing an arable crop. Despite the prevalence of this technique, evidence for medieval barns pre-dating ...[详细]
The meandering trajectories of financial innovations commercial paper and its uses in sixteenth-century Lyon's trading networks
    Author: Nadia Matringe (London School of Economics, article explores the complex dynamics of financial innovation in early modern times, challenging linear models of temporal and spatial divisions that tend to shape our understanding of the e...[详细]
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