本书是《帕尔格雷夫财政史研究丛书》(Palgrave Studies in the History of Finance)之一,作者关注13-18世纪欧洲乡村的抵押问题。两位研究者指出,由于抵押允许是在以土地或其他财产为保障的情况下实现借贷的,因此,这种实践与农业经济的转变及向现代经济增长形式的发展联系密切。
主编:Chris Briggs,Jaco Zuijderduijn
出版社:Palgrave Macmillan
Front Matter
Pages i-xviii
Introduction: Mortgages and Annuities in Historical Perspective
Chris Briggs, Jaco Zuijderduijn
Pages 1-16
Mortgages and the English Peasantry c.1250–c.1350
Chris Briggs
Pages 17-45
Mortgages Raised by Rural English Copyhold Tenants 1605–1735
Juliet Gayton
Pages 47-80
Mortgages and the Kentish Yeoman in the Seventeenth Century
Imogen Wedd
Pages 81-115
Why the Equity of Redemption?
D. P. Waddilove
Pages 117-148
Credit and Land: The Jews of Zaragoza 1383–1400
Michael Schraer
Pages 149-179
Not Only Land: Mortgage Credit in Central-Northern Italy in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Giuseppe De Luca, Marcella Lorenzini
Pages 181-204
Rural Credit Markets in Eighteenth-Century France: Contracts, Guarantees and Land
Elise M. Dermineur
Pages 205-231
The Use of Perpetual Annuities in Rural Brabant in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries
Michael Limberger, Nicolas De Vijlder
Pages 233-252
Proactive Peasants? The Role of Annuities in a Late Medieval Communal Society: The Campine Area, Low Countries
Eline Van Onacker
Pages 253-280
The Other Fundamental Problem of Exchange: Mortgages, Defaults and Debtor Protection in Sixteenth-Century Holland
Jaco Zuijderduijn
Pages 281-307
Afterword: Mortgages as Mediation Between Kin and Capital
Craig Muldrew
Pages 309-325
Back Matter