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2023-03-17 09:24  

2023 draft conference programme

The Economic History Society2023年学术年会即将于3.31-4.2日举行.

其中3月31日的New Researchers’ Session I会议讨论部分分为7个议题。

NRIA: Reformsin Eastern Europe东欧的改革

(chair: Jennifer Aston) (Ramphal 1.03)

1.Village self-governance and economic conditions in the rural Russian Empire after the abolition of serfdom

Dmitry Ismagilov (King’s College London)

2.Landed elite and expansion of primary schooling in the Russian Empire

Viktor Malein (Lund University)

3.Elite response to threat of revolution: Evidence from Prussia

Carola Stapper, Erik Hornung (University of Cologne) & Noam Yuchtman (London School of Economics)


NRIB: Education and Innovation教育与创新

(chair: Jennifer Aston) (Ramphal 1.03)

1.Breaking tradition: Teacher-student effects at English universities during the Scientific Revolution

Julius Koschnick (London School of Economics)

2.Financial development and patents during the First Industrial Revolution: England and Wales

Jinlin Wei (University of Warwick)

3.‘We don’t need no education’: Human capital formation and social immobility in industrialising Coventry, 1790-1850

Louis Henderson (University of Oxford) & Moritz Kaiser (University of Edinburgh)


NRIC: Gender and Social Mobility性别与社会流动

(chair: Jennifer Aston) (Ramphal 1.03)

1.Property rights and fertility: Evidence from 19th and 20th-century United States

Cora Neumann (University of Warwick)

2.All rise: Mobility of social status in late-industrial England (1850-1910)

Ryah Thomas (University of Oxford)

3.Intergenerational mobility of Jews in the Netherlands, 1812-1922

Joris Kok (International Institute of Social History)


NRID: Financial Markets金融市场

(chair: John Turner) (Ramphal 1.04)

1. Rational bubble or mythical mania? Re-examining 1790s English and Welsh joint stock canal companies

Edwin Koenck (Queen’s University Belfast)

2. The cross-section of corporate bond returns: Evidence from an elusive past

Kevin Van Mencxel (University of Antwerp)

3. Golden fetters or credit boom gone bust? A reassessment of capital flows in the interwar period

Lukas Maximilian Diebold (University of Mannheim)


NRIE: Barriers to Trade贸易壁垒

(chair: Brian Varian) (Ramphal 1.13)

1. A perfect storm and the natural endowments of trade-enabling infrastructure

Christian Vedel (University of Southern Denmark)

2. Timber imports and the British economy, 1750-1850

Manish Kumar (Durham University)


NRIF: Colonialism and Conflict in Africa非洲的殖民主义和冲突

(chair: ) (Ramphal 1.15)

1.Land tenure in Ghana and Sierra Leone, 1945-2020

Sakae Gustafson (University of Cambridge)

2.Biafra: Africa’s first oil war?

David Tallon (University of Reading)


NRIG: Health健康

(chair: Eric Schneider) (Ramphal 2.41)

1.The purpose of pesthouses in early modern England

Charlie Udale (London School of Economics)

2.Workplace-injury compensation in the British Empire, 1928-38

Stephanie van Dam (University of Cambridge)

New Researchers’ Session II会议讨论部分分为8个主议题。


NRIIA: Military and Financial Capacity军事与财政能力

(chair: ) (Ramphal 0.12)

1.Microfinance intermediaries and financial networks in the provinces of Carniola and Lower Styria until World War I

Nataša Henig Miščič (Institute of Contemporary History / University of Primorska )

2.From taxation to fighting for the nation: Historical fiscal capacity and military draft evasion during World War I

Luca Bagnato (UCLA)

3.Choosing national identity: The case of South Tyrol

Sebastian Hager, Emilio Esguerra (University of Munich) & Alexia Lochmann (Harvard University)


NRIIB: Education in Asia亚洲的教育

(chair: Neil Cummins) (Ramphal 0.14)

1.Confucian literati and long-run development in Northern Vietnam

Meng Liu & Tomoki Fujii (Singapore Management University)

2.Parental dictates: Marriage sorting and social mobility in Imperial China, 1614-1854

Xizi Luo (London School of Economics)

3.Coeducation, female human capital accumulation, and the evolution of gender norms

Bin Huang (University of Zurich) & Yuchen Lin (University of Warwick)

NRIIC: Life and Work in Sweden瑞典的生活与工作

(chair: Edmund Cannon) (Ramphal 1.03)

1.Consumption and living standards in early modern rural households: Probate evidence from Southern Sweden, c.1680-1860

Marcus Falk (Lund University)

2.Women and children in factories: Did mechanization increase the demand for low-cost labour in Sweden?

Suvi Heikkuri, Svante Prado & Yoshihiro Sato (University of Gothenburg)

3.Women, migration, and occupational mobility: Swedish female immigrants in the US, 1886-1910

Marcos Castillo (Lund University)

NRIID: Land and Inequality土地与不平等现象

(chair: Daniel R. Curtis) (Ramphal 1.04)

1.Living off the land? Land ownership inequality and the emergence of agrarian capitalism in early modern Holland

Bram Hilkens (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

2.Land distribution in pre-industrial Luxembourg: A comparison of urban and rural areas

Sonia Schifano (Bocconi University)

3.Mobility of the innocents: Foundlings and their descendants in 19th-century Florence

Giuliana Freschi, Giacomo Gabbuti (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies) & Brian A’Hearn (University of Oxford)

NRIIE: Government and Regulation政府与管理

(chair: Catherine Schenk) (Ramphal 1.13)

1.Irish economic data and Nationalist public discourse prior to self-government, 1893-1923

Anna Devlin (Trinity College Dublin)

2.Building economic security: politics and banking regulation in Germany, 1900-44

Robert Yee (Princeton University)

3.Regulators’ information strategy in financial and banking crises: The Bank of England and the secondary banking crisis, 1973/74

Raphael Heim (University of Oxford)

NRIIF: Pre-modern Credit前近代时期的信贷

(chair: Anne Murphy) (Ramphal 1.15)

1.The participation of women in urban finances in late medieval Vienna, between 1350 and 1450

Anna Molnar (King’s College London)

2.Personal banking in London, 1672-1780

Philip Winterbottom (University of London)

3.‘Persons in all situations in life’: The use of annuity loans in the 18th-century financial market

Diane Clements (University of London)

NRIIG: Deindustrialisation去工业化

(chair: Jim Tomlinson) (Ramphal 2.41)

1.Business envoys and the rhetoric of development: The British Executive Service Overseas in the 1970s and 1980s

Rebecca Orr (European University Institute)

2.The sub-regional character of deindustrialisation in England and Wales, 1971-91

James Evans (University of Oxford)

NRIIH: South America南美

(chair: ) (Ramphal 3.41)

1.Welfare and real wages in Bahia, 1572-1920

Guilherme Lambais (University of Lisbon) & Nuno Palma (University of Manchester)

2.The legacy of the Spanish Conquista in the Andes: Mining mita, persistent social unrest, and cultural divergence

César Huaroto & Francisco Gallego (PUC Chile)

转载自:The Economic History Scoiety
