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The Journal of Economic History有关大规模传染病的部分研究可开源浏览
2022-04-25 22:31  

The Journal of Economic History有关大规模传染病的部分研究可全文在线阅读并下载。


Guido Alfani, Tommy E. Murphy: Plague and Lethal Epidemics in the Pre-Industrial World

Karen Clay, Joshua Lewis, Edson Severnini: Pollution, Infectious Disease, and Mortality: Evidence from the 1918 Spanish Influenza Pandemic

Alan L. Olmstead, Paul W. Rhode: The“Tuberculous Cattle Trust”: Disease Contagion in an Era of Regulatory Uncertainty

Brian Beach, Joseph Ferrie, Martin Saavedra, Werner Troesken: Typhoid Fever, Water Quality, and Human Capital Formation

Kyle Harper:People, Plagues, and Prices in the Roman World: The Evidence from Egypt

Şevket Pamuk, Maya Shatzmiller:Plagues, Wages, and Economic Change in the Islamic Middle East, 700–1500

Alan L. Olmstead: The First Line of Defense: Inventing the Infrastructure to Combat Animal Diseases

详情可见于: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-economic-history/free-articles-on-pandemics
