Professor Qian Chengdan
On the morning of 9 May 2021, Professor Qian Chengdan visited the Institute of European Civilization and gave a lecture entitled "Globalization, Anti-Globalization, Regionalization" .
Firstly, Professor Qian reviewed the history of the globalization process since the Age of discovery and divided it into the early colonial empire phase, the period of stagnation in development between the two world wars, the phase of Two World during the Cold War, and the global integration phase after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Secondly, Professor Qian pointed out that the post-Cold War globalization system was dominated by the United States. The system had benefited the US for a long time, but with the outflow of primary and secondary industries, some developing countries took advantage of the opportunity of development, while the gap between the rich and the poor within the US continued to widen, which in turn led to anti-globalization thinking in the US.
Finally, Professor Qian believed that the trend of globalization will not change, but its manifestation will change, and it is more likely to manifest itself in a kind of regionalization: that is, neighboring countries with similar culture will form a community of interest, and a new form of globalization will be formed on the basis of integration within the regional community and communication between regions.