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Recent Publications
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[Recent Publications] XU Bin: The Evolution of European Civilization: Ind... 2024/06/24 
[Recent Publications] XIE Fengzhai: The Evolution of European Civilizatio... 2024/05/27 
[Recent Publications] ZHENG Yang: Jewish Perceptions in Mediterranean Wor... 2024/05/15 
[Recent Publications] HOU Jianxin:The Evolution of European Civilization:... 2024/03/28 
[Recent Publications] GU Yanfang:Population Mobility and Rural Change in ... 2023/09/07 

[Recent Publications] ZHANG Naihe:A Study of Franchises in the Early Mode... 2022/08/26 
[Recent Publications] GU Yanfang:The Migration of the Village Labors and ... 2022/08/26 
[Recent Publications] XU Bin:Capital Investment and Social Mechanism in B... 2022/08/26 
[Recent Publications] ​WANG Yuliang:A Study on the Rural Community in La... 2022/08/26 
[Recent Publications] CHEN Lijun:Study on the Rural Grass-roots Organizat... 2022/08/26 
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Institute of European Civilazation