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Academic Information
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Introducing Early Medieval England and its Neighbou... 2024/06/14 
Prize Winners of 2023 Roland H. Bainton Prizes (The... 2024/06/03 
Prize Winners of The Social History Society’s Book... 2023/12/21 
Associations,Networks and Working Groups in Rural H... 2023/12/05 
Prize Winners of The Gyorgy Ranki Biennial Prize(Ec... 2023/11/08 

Prize Winners of The French History Article Prize(2... 2023/10/16 
Prize Winners of Joan Thirsk Memorial Prize (Britis... 2023/04/20 
Prize Winners of First Monograph Prize in Economic ... 2023/03/27 
Leading Journals in Economic and Social History 2022/10/25 
Leading Groups in Economic and Social History 2022/08/25 
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Institute of European Civilazation