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Prize Winners of The Gyorgy Ranki Biennial Prize(Economic History Association)
November 8, 2023  

The Gyorgy Ranki Biennial Prize(Economic History Association)is awarded every other year for an Outstanding Book on the Economic History of Europe


A Velvet Empire: French Informal Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century

David Todd

Princeton University Press, 2021


(1)The European Guilds: An Economic Analysis

Sheilagh Ogilvie

Princeton University Press, 2019

(2)Dark Matter Credit: The Development of Peer-to-Peer Lending and Banking in France

Philip Hoffman, Gilles Postel-Vinay, and Jean-Laurent Rosenthal

Princeton University Press, 2019


The Mystery of the Kibbutz: Egalitarian Principles in a Capitalist World

Ran Abramitzky

Princeton University Press, 2018


The Great Transition: Climate, Disease and Society in the Late-Medieval World

Bruce Campbell

Cambridge University Press, 2016


The Son Also Rises: Surnames and the History of Social Mobility

Gregory Clark

Princeton University Press, 2014


Distant Tyranny: Markets, Power and Backwardness in Spain, 1650-1800

Regina Grafe

Princeton University Press, 2012


Childhood and Child Labour in the British Industrial Revolution

Jane Humphries

Cambridge University Press, 2010


The Industrious Revolution: Consumer Behavior and the Household Economy

Jan deVries

Cambridge University Press, 2008


Institutions and the Path to the Modern Economy: Lessons from Medieval Trade

Avner Greif

Cambridge University Press, 2006


(1)Farm to Factory : A Reinterpretation of the Soviet Industrial Revolution

Robert C. Allen

Princeton University Press, 2003

(2)Growing Public: Social Spending and Economic Growth Since the Eighteenth Century

Peter Lindert

Cambridge University Press in 2002


Origins of the European Economy: Communications and Commerce AD 300-900

Michael McCormick

Cambridge University Press, 2002


(1)Freedom and Growth: Markets and States in Europe, 1300-1750

Stephan Epstein

Routledge, 2000

(2)Priceless Markets: The Political Economy of Credit in Paris, 1660-1870

Philip T. Hoffman of the California Institute of Technology, Gilles Postel-Vinay of the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, and Jean-Laurent Rosenthal of the University of California at Los Angeles

University of Chicago Press, 2000


(1)State Corporatism and Proto-Industry: The Württemberg Black Forest, 1580–1797

Sheilagh Ogilvie

Cambridge University Press, 1997

(2)The First Modern Economy: Success, Failure, and Perseverance of the Dutch Economy, 1500–1815

Ad M. van der Woude and Jan de Vries

Cambridge University Press,1997


Institute of European Civilazation