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Contents and Summaries No.4 November, 2017
February 13, 2021  

1.XU Hao, “Changes in Income of Lords and Peasants in Medieval Europe”.

The income distribution between lords and peasants in Medieval Europe was subject to the factor of population and economy and the institutional factor as manorial system and serfdom. The factor

of population and economy influenced the changes of land holding, price of foodstuff, wage and rent, and manorial system and serfdom caused medieval great estates to abandon the means of exploitation with slavery which had no land and uncompensated labor in ancient times but to grant allotments to peasants and demand rent and due from them. Basically the upgoing of population and economy and manorial system and serfdom in Early and High Middle Ages made lords’ revenues increase and peasants’ earnings decrease, while the downgoing of them in Late Middle Ages urged lords’ revenues decrease and peasants’ earnings increase. In general, land-holding of tenants on great estates and the payments of rent and due were lawful, and customary laws which consisted of the barbaric codes, land registers and custumals aimed at making exploiting types and numbers of lords upon peasants immobilized and elaborated, by which lords and peasants could maintain their respective benefits. The appearance of customary laws was not out of lords’ favor but rooted in the legislation model that the related laws of Germans were made by people and the insistent struggles of medieval peasants against lords for several centuries.

2.LI Yanling, “The Heretics and Heretic Doctrines in the Medieval Universities”.

At the start of medieval universities, the Catholic Church interfered with university teachers’ teaching and academic studies for many times, among which, the academic condemnation promulgated by Tempier, the Paris Bishop, was the most typical case. The condemnation seemed to hinder medieval university teachers’ teaching and study freedom. However, from the Paris University’s attitude toward “heretic doctrines” and scholars’ academic activities in the 13th and 14th centuries, from the academic experiences of John Wycliffe and his followers in Oxford University, the Catholic Church exerted limited influence on university teachers by administrative power. The university, as a community of teachers, could offer some protections for its members. As a matter of fact, medieval university teachers may enjoy some kind of freedom as long as in the scope the church permitted, and the freedom was often beyond modern people’s imagination.

3.ZHANG Songtao, “The Formation of England Art Market in the 17th Century”.

The seventeenth-century was an important period of art development in England, which gradually changed the undeveloped situation of art in England. The formation of the art market was an important element to boost this change. The art market developed comprehensively in this period. The open market raised the number of arts, artists and artisans, and met the demand for the local and outside arts. Art consumption continually showed a growing trend. Not only the upper class kept the high-end demands steadily, but also they set an example for many rich families, who gradually paid attention to art and consumed arts. The whole society increasingly formed a fashion of artistic consumption, which laid a solid foundation for the overall development of art market.

4.ZHANG Tengyu, “English Military Publications and Their Impacts in the 16th and 17th Century”.

Although England is located in the edge of Europe, its national standing army kept in step with major European countries in the 17th century. This phenomenon was partly owing to the spread of the military science of Continental Europe in England. As an important communication media of military science, military publications have played a significant role in the English military modernization process. A lot of military publications which covered entire military sphere appeared from the mid-16th century to the mid-17th century, and became an important medium for British soldiers to learn military affairs, which promoted the professionalization of English army and the development of English military science.

5.ZHENG Pichu, “The Village Finance and the Village Community in Early Modern Japan”.

Under the background of Murauke ( ど ) system, the villages in Edo period were financially independent with Mura Nyuyo ( むらにゅうよう ). The expenses included the expenses of ruling the villages by the feudal lords and the expenses of the village in dealing with their internal affairs. For most of the expenses are casual, they were generally paid by the village officers orMyoshu in advance, and then shared by the villagers or paid by the income of the village and the village loan. Affected by the struggles of the peasants, the feudal lords ordered that the village officers should make Mura Nyuyo accounts to prevent the village officers’ corruptions in the operation of Mura Nyuyo. The independent financial system of Mura Nyuyo played an important role in construction of the village community, strengthened the cohesion and independence within the village.

6.LIU Xuefei and LIU Xiao, “On the Relationship between ‘YouMu’ and ‘Nomades’”

Now in Chinese Literature, “Youmu” is translated into nomaddism and “Youmumin” is translated into nomad correspondingly. However, Nagara Ikegami, Sugiyama Masaaki and Olga Gorodetskaya argue that nomadism and nomad have the meaning of “wanders” only, but donnot have the meaning of raising livestock. They suggest choosing new words to translate them. Therefore we specially investigates “Youmu” in Chinese literature and “nomades” in ancient Greek literature. In Chinese ancient literature, “You” means moving and “Mu” means the rearing patterns of animals. At the beginning, “Youmu” contained no information of ethnic groups. Just because the foreign ethnic groups had the same life patterns, so “Youmu” was labeled as ethnic groups afterwards. Taking Scythians as an example in the process of investigating the ancient Greek literature, we find that nomades has different meanings in special contexts. However, the Nomades both has the meaning of moving and raising livestock in all the contexts. Therefore, it is appropriate to translate the nomadism into “Youmu” and nomad into “Youmumin” in Chinese.

7.ZHANG Feng, “On the House of Correction in Tudor England”.

The Tudor dynasty was a period of social transformation in England. By the affection of a series factors such as the Enclosure Movement, price revolution and the Reformation, a large number of poor people who had no fixed abode and had nothing to do emerged and led to serious social problems. After the failure of a series of punitive measures, the counties of England established house of correction in order to maintain social stability effectively. The house of correction has changed the policy of pure punishment previously, solved the problem of vagabonds initially by sheltering and forcing labor, but the mode of its management has also kept the poor people away from the house of correction.

8.HU Anhui, “The Influence of Cinnabar on Ancient Guizhous Economic and Social Society”.

Wuchuan and other places abounded with cinnabar in Guizhou Province. Cinnabar was a special commodity and had high value. The chain of cinnabar industry promoted the development of local economy, prospered the market and increased fiscal and tax revenues of central and local governments. The cinnabar industry also brought up local forces, led to civil fights and affected the local customs. The ancient emperors, Taoism and civil society believed in magical pellets. Certain nation even believed in cinnabar. Cinnabar had many names in Chinese medicine books and other documents, it also had different functions by the use of the literati.

9.LI Zenghong, “Discourse in Historical Narration: Reading An Investigation of Ancient Autocratic System of Pro. Ma Keyao”.

10.The 2017 Annual Academic Conference of Chinese Society of Medieval World History Held in Chengdu.


Institute of European Civilazation