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Contents and Summaries No.2 June, 2021
October 23, 2021  

Sources of Magna CartaRoman Law or Barbarian Customary Law


In recent years, scholars have been arguing about the influence of English law and ius commune on Magna Carta. In general terms, a small part of the Magna Carta is influenced by the ius commune, among whom influenced by the ecclesiastical law is more obvious, and only a few chapters can be inferred from the Roman law. The main source of Magna Carta is the English law developed in the Anglo-Saxon period. Magna Carta declared, succeeded and developed the initially formed common law, was the core document of the common law, and later became the foundational document of English Statues.

Marketization and the Change of Land Tenancy Term in England

REN Youquan

In the 19th century, the wave of marketization promoted the change of land tenancy term from long-term to short-term, which was mainly manifested in the replacement of fixed-term tenancy by yearly tenancy. Theoretically, the guarantee of yearly tenancy to the investment of tenants was not as good as that of fixed-term tenancy. However, the yearly tenancy was not only in line with the economic reality at that time, but also met the interests of landlords and tenants. Although there are some drawbacks of yearly tenancy, the negative impact in reality is not obvious. The spread of yearly tenancy did not destroy the traditional tenancy relationship, nor did it curb the growth of tenancy investment.

The Midsummer Festival Entertainment of Farmers in the Later Medieval


WANG Chaohua

In the late Middle Ages, people’s daily life was rich and colorful in England. In a hundred of days of holidays, people could participate in religious activities and enjoy leisure and entertainment without work. Take the Midsummer Festival as an example, people held all kinds of celebrations, banquets, parades, and even imitated and ridiculed the upper class. We can find some appearances of the popular “Merry England” from the Midsummer festival activities, and the traditional impression of the Middle Ages as a “Dark Age” needs to be changed.

The Reasons for the Philippines’ Active Participation in the Korean War

WANG Qiuyi

In the Korean War, the United Nations Command which led by the US military had the troops of 15 countries. The Philippines was the first Asian country to respond and send troops to the Korean battlefield. Before World War II, the Philippines was a colony of the United States. After World War II, although the Philippines gained independence, it was still under the control of the United States. After the outbreak of the cold war, the Philippines hoped to get the security guarantee of the United States, but the attitude of the US was rather ambiguous. In order to strengthen the relationship between the United States and the Philippines, the Philippines actively participated in the war with its ideological identity and its understanding of the Korean War and the situation in Southeast Asia. The participation in the war led to an alliance between the United States and the Philippines, which enabled the Philippines to receive US assistance, and the US-Philippines relations entered a “honeymoon period”.

The Construction and Function of Caravanserais in Safavi Period of Iran

WANG Zezhuang and LI Yumeng

The caravanserai was the infrastructure of transportation and trade routes in Eurasia. The caravanserai and its system have a long history in Iran. During the Safavi period, the construction scale and the number of caravanserais was the largest, and the distribution was more reasonable, forming a caravanserai network extending in all directions. The caravanserai played an important role in society, culture, religion, politics, military, economy and so on, whose functions were more diversified. The well-developed and complete caravanserai network not only provided the basic guarantee for the construction of the nation state and the formation of the national unified market in the Safavi period, but also provided transportation conditions for the Safavi Dynasty to actively develop foreign trade and effectively participate in and integrate into the early world market and the global trade system.

The CPC’s Early Mobilization Mechanism of Shanghai Workers

ZHANG Yangliang

During the Great Revolution, the CPC regarded the independent leadership of the labour movement as its basic mission. Prior to the May 30th Movement, the CPC set up civilian schools in the name of the Kuomintang. On this basis, they developed into transitional workers’ clubs. Many clubs even developed into formal trade union organizations, but few led workers’ strike. After the May 30th Movement, the CPC set up the Shanghai General Labour Union, which extended its organizational tentacles to the most basic level of society, resulting in a sharp increase of political strikes of workers. In the process of mobilizing and leading workers’ strikes, the CPC formed a relatively complete operation mechanism, such as the mobilization of peripheral organizations, the leadership of the party and the league, the integration of multiple forces, the relief of the workers in difficulties, and the invitation of various forces to mediate. Despite the CPC’s shortage of funds and cadres, the development of the Shanghai labour movement still effectively promoted the upsurge of the Great Revolution.

The Living Style of Storytelling and Ballad Singing Artists in Modern China

PENG Qinghong

Storytelling and Ballad Singing in Suzhou was a literary form of mass entertainment in south of the River in modern China, which spread all over the urban and rural areas and formed a hierarchical market of cities, towns and villages. In order to occupy the market and make their living, storytelling and ballad singing artists ran around frequently between cities, towns and villages, which played a role in the communication between urban and rural areas and promoted the social and cultural communication between them. These connections and contacts helped the south of the River become an increasingly close region.

The Problem Consciousness in the Study of Wages in Medieval England

XU Hao

From the second half of the 19th century to the 21st century, the issue of wages has always been an important content of the study of English medieval history. However, instead of demonstrating wages on wages, scholars successively put forward several important topics around wages. Generally speaking, there are three kinds of problem consciousness of wage purchasing power, wage labor and wage-earner in Medieval England. The Emergence of each problem consciousness greatly promoted the progress of the research on the wage problem in Medieval England, and significantly improved the depth and breadth of understanding of the problem. Through the above research, the traditional viewpoints which had been dominant in the medieval history for a long time have been revised one by one. These new knowledge and new understandings from empirical research will gradually become the basic common sense in the history of Middle Ages.

Early Modernization and the Labour Dilemma in Peru: Based on the Hooking

Labour System (1895-1930)


Since the end of the 19th century, Peruvian civilian government had taken power and implemented a modernization policy centered on the export of primary products and infrastructure construction. In order to get rid of the shortage of labour force which shackled economic development, government officials at all levels, foreign investors and domestic businessmen all resorted to the hooking labor system with both the color of feudal compulsion and the spirit of free contract to recruit labours. With the strengthening of capitalist infiltration, the collapse of the small peasant economy and the benign development of labour supply and demand, the hooking labor system had lost its slavery characteristics, but had failed to avoid the dilemma of marginalization. The rise and fall of the hooking labour system in the early modernization process of Peru is also the epitome of the decline of the feudal economy and the gradual establishment of the capitalist mode of production.


Institute of European Civilazation