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Feng Jingpeng:On The Uniting Process of Boeotia
December 23, 2021  

Boeotia was an important territory in Greece‚and its uniting process was unique‚contrasted with other territo- riesIt not only lasted a long time but also experienced lots of setbacksAfter the stage of confederation‚the Boeotian u- nification fell into conflicts between the two ways of federation and empireT he powerful T hebes tried to make the Boeo- tian federal constitution into an imperial system‚whereas some of the other states of this territory did their best to keep their independence relying on supports of exterior powersUntil the Hellenistic period‚when the power of T hebes was pulled down‚Boeotia was united with true federal constitutionbut the unimportant unity was funnily destroyed by the RomanSuccess and failure of Boeotian in the process of unification left far-reaching lessons for their descendants even in today


Institute of European Civilazation