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LIU Jinghua: Medieval City and the Forming of European Civilization
February 11, 2023  


The 5th to 15th century was the breeding period of European civilization. After the rise of European cities and towns in the 11th century, their essence changed from feudal vassals to feudal opposites. Medieval cities also became the cradle of new elements of European civilization. Medieval cities cultivated and developed new political civilization factors, such as the concept of community and autonomy, the concept of freedom and equality, the spirit of democracy and the rule of law, gave birth to the new social force of the civil class, and pre-constructed the political form of the modern state. Economically, medieval cities cultivated new economic ideas, gave birth to modern accounting system, modern financial system and modern corporate system, especially the emerging capitalist production relations, which prompted the condensation and formation of European civilization in the 16th century.

Published on Economic and Social History Review, Issue 3, 2020.


Institute of European Civilazation