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JIANG Qizhou: A Study of Mayoral Selection in Medieval England from the Perspective of ...
    The mayoralty was widely established in the cities and boroughs in medieval England since the 13th century. The basic method for mayoral selection has been a combination of local election and royal appointment, leading to conflicts betwe...[详细]
LIU Jinghua: Characteristics and Representations of Medieval European Civilization
    The Medieval European civlization is characterized by its diversity, which can be further revealed through the external factors that contributed to its creation, the relationship between the secular society and the religious system, the ...[详细]
YANG Songtao: Village Elites and Grassroots Law Enforcement in Early Modern England
    The cosntable, being the grassroots official responsible for collecting taxes and policing, played an important role in state formation of early modern England. They were mainly composed of a group of village elites who had advantages in...[详细]
LIU Tao,XU Bin: The Monopoly and Institutional Changes of Guilds in Early Modern Europe
    The European guilds underwent some new changes in the early modern period. Geographically, guilds in different regions showed varying degrees of development momentum; the guilds in the Netherlands and England declined earlier, while thos...[详细]
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The making of towns, the making of polities Towns and lords in late medieval Europe
    Author:Christian D Liddy(Durham University, UK | relationship between towns and lords was fundamental both to the making of towns and to the making of polities in the late Middle Ages. The European l...[详细]
Michelle Cale: Trust Betrayed: The Failure of the Birmingham Penny Bank, 1865
    ABSTRACTPenny banks were Victorian institutions intended to encourage thrift among working-class people. Initially considered a model of its type, the Birmingham Penny Bank (1850–1865) collapsed because of mismanagement, bad investments...[详细]
Respectable standards of living: The alternative lens of maintenance costs, Britain 1270–1860
    Authors:Jane HumphriesAbstractThis paper argues that in all societies there is considerable agreement about what goods and services are needed to provide a decent living, and that this standard can be measured by the expense involved in ...[详细]
Barn Dance Suggested Medieval Grain Storage of the Northern European Type On The Manor of Patcham, East Sussex
    Authors: Anna Doherty &Andrew MargettsAbstractWITHIN THE NORTHERN EUROPEAN SYSTEM, barns and ricks for the keeping of sheaves prior to threshing was the favoured method of storing an arable crop. Despite the prevalence of this technique,...[详细]
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